I am currently typing this as I alternate sticking pacifiers in each of the twins mouths. Were attempting a nap, but every time they start to close their eyes one of them loses suction on their pacifier and their eyes shoot open. Success these days is when I get BOTH boys down for a full nap. They like to take turns when it comes to nap, so I almost always have one of them awake. It makes being productive almost impossible. However I am lucky that at this point they are on the same schedule at night. So I am not COMPLETELY sleep deprived.
Being a twin mom is an experience I never expected. We found out we were pregnant with the boys last October. After miscarrying a baby in July I wasn't sure that I wanted to have any more children. We were heartbroken and I wasn't ready to try again. So when I started feeling the typical pregnancy symptoms I postponed taking the test another two weeks. When I finally purchased and peed on the stick I already knew in my gut that we were pregnant again. The line showed up quickly and I wish I could say I jumped for joy. Instead I bawled in the fetal position for about an hour while "T" rubbed my back and promised me it would all be okay. Just as I was beginning to get excited about having another baby I started to feel "funny". It felt like I was miscarrying again. My stomach sank and I quickly made another doctors appointment. After confirming in the lab that I was pregnant, they scheduled me for an ultrasound. I was almost certain that they would tell me once again that they could not find a heart beat. I braced myself as we prepared for the day of the appointment.
Unlike our previous ultrasounds, this time we entered the ultrasound room quiet. The previous time we were all full of giggles and excitement. So ready to see the itty bitty baby inside wiggling around. This time we entered holding our breath. The room familiar and full of the horrible sadness that comes with miscarriage.
I pulled up my shirt and the tech squirted my tummy with the goo and went to work. I stared up at the ceiling willing myself not to cry as I waited for her to find our baby. A minute later she says "There's the heartbeat!" I started to cry and let out a huge sigh of relief. I squeezed T's hand so thankful to be getting good news.
Another second later she repeats "and there's a heartbeat!" I smiled again, thankful for that little heartbeat. Not fully understanding what she was saying.
She smiled at me and told T to come next to me. She moved her little wand around, and there before us were little blobs that made up our babies.
"There's two!" she announced..
and I wish I could say that I said something sweet and wonderful...but in true "Schmitt Show" fashion my words were and I quote..
"Holy shit!"
The next half an hour of measurements and checks was a blur. I just kept thinking... OH MY GOD! THERE'S TWO!!!!
By the end of the appointment we found out that we were pregnant with MODI twins (I'll post about that another time..) and that came with it's own worries and concerns. However for that moment I had not ONE, but TWO little babies inside of me with two little hearts that were beating. It was one of the happiest days of my life and by far the biggest unexpected surprise I've ever gotten.
Of course we were so excited to share our news with the rest of the world, but I wanted to wait until after 12 weeks. We were still early in our pregnancy (8 weeks) and the doctor warned us that we may still lose one of the twins and that it was common in early pregnancies with multiples for a mother to lose one of the babies before 12 weeks. So again I held my breath and with every appointment I would wait to see if we could find both babies. Of course, as you know, they did. By 12 weeks I was ready to shout it from the rooftops!
It was so exciting to share our big news with our friends and family and finally have the support and encouragement that we needed! We did it in true Iowa fashion and shared our news at an Iowa Hawkeye game! We even made the jumbo-tron! I can't tell you how cool it was to have complete strangers high five us and cheer us on! It really started this adventure off with a bang!
The next 24 weeks were filled with appointments, morning sickness, sleepless nights, planning, and excitement. It went by in a blur and now these two little men are here. Exactly where they are supposed to be, snuggled right next to me on the couch. I never expected to have twins, but now that they are here I couldn't imagine life any other way. They make "The Schmitt Show" twice as exciting, and my heart twice as full!
The Schmitt Show
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Welcome to the Schmitt Show!
This is my husband T (Aka: CST, maybe sometime over cocktails I'll tell you what that actually stands for! ;)
Here are our children
C (3.5)
and the twins J and W (2 months)
and our pup Molly
Not pictured we have....A pig named Bacon, two obese bunnies named Elsa and Bella, Two tomcats named Nessa and Cecile, a bunch of chickens, and a handful of ducks. Basically an all around funny farm.
If you walked into my house right now you would find:
. Dress up clothes scattered in the play room.
. A sink full of bottles needing to be washed.
.A couch full of folded laundry waiting to be put away. (Will that ever actually happen?!)
. A toddler with chocolate all over her teeth after sneaking said chocolates from the freezer.
. Two babies sleeping
. and one tired mama trying not to wake them up.
or as I like to call it "Organized Chaos." aka "The Schmitt Show" (like that play on words?)
I became a mother at the ripe old age of 19. At 19 I was pretty sure I knew what I was doing. Ten years later and I am certain I don't have a clue.
I recently gave birth to identical twin boys, which makes them my third and fourth (and final) babies. They have upped the chaos just a bit, but in all the best ways. These days there are two things I can count on 1. We will probably be late for everything for the rest of eternity and 2. My kids always look more put together than I do. Everything else... well I'm figuring it out along the way.
For those of you who aren't completely familiar with my family, let me give you the line up.
I'm Brittany. (aka: The mama)
This is my husband T (Aka: CST, maybe sometime over cocktails I'll tell you what that actually stands for! ;)
Here are our children
A (9)
C (3.5)
and the twins J and W (2 months)
and our pup Molly
Not pictured we have....A pig named Bacon, two obese bunnies named Elsa and Bella, Two tomcats named Nessa and Cecile, a bunch of chickens, and a handful of ducks. Basically an all around funny farm.
Put it all together and you have "The Schmitt Show!"
We look forward to sharing our little life with you. 

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